English (United Kingdom)French (French)Română (România)
  • MoodleMoot România 2014 este întâlnirea utilizatorilor platformei Moodle din România, MoodleMoot România 2014 este organizat în jurul unor ateliere de lucru și exemple de bună practică tehnică, didactică și pedagogică.

  • Training on the development techniques of online courses at the University of Rennes 1, France

  • Formation continue et formation en ligne. l’Universite de Santiago de Compostela, Spania.
  • Organisation de la formation theorique et pratique a la conception, utilisation et exploitation EL, Iasi, Romania
  • Seminar ''Abordarea procesului de învățământ din perspectiva curriculară'', Chișinău, UTM
  • E-Learning: cursuri de instruire, Chișinău, Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei


"Good training practices of e-learning/online"


CRUNT 2014 is organized in partnership with the following institutions:

Universitatea Tehnică din Moldova Ministerul Educaţiei Ministerul Tehnologiei Informaţiei şi Comunicaţiilor Universitatea de Stat din Moldova Academia de Studii Economice a Moldovei Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie "Nicolae Testimitanu" Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova Universitatea de Stat "Alecu Russo" din Bălți Universitatea de Stat din Cahul Universitatea de Stat din Comrat

Ministry of National Education, the educational partner
Ministry of Education in consultation with other institutions and interested ministries, projects and apply the overall strategy based on education, establishes goals of the education system as a whole, as well as educational objectives on levels and profiles.
Education is the basic factor in the transmission and creation of new cultural ​​and universal values, human capital development, training of national identity and consciousness, to promote European integration aspirations and has a primary role in the prerequisites creating for human development and building a sustainable knowledge society. Although the last two decades have been developed and implemented several thematic strategies in education, there was no comprehensive strategy on the development of the entire sector.
Ministry of Education draft Strategy "Education 2020" project, which identifies major issues in the sector and proposes a vision and strategic directions of medium and long term development. The strategy is organized into three pillars: access, relevance and quality. The strategy is results-oriented and addresses the problems and solutions, both on the education level, as well as the cross-cutting themes. After consultation and finalization of the strategy, the Ministry will develop an action plan for the short and medium terms, which will outline priority actions and stipulate the implementation terms, the responsible institutions and monitoring indicators.
Education is a complex sector with many levels and many involved and interested actors. At the same time, reforms and the results in education can be visible only after some consistent activities over many years. Therefore, in order to be implemented effectively, the strategy should represent a society consensus on the long-term education vision, such as strategic directions to transcend political and group interests and to be implemented consistently throughout the whole period of implementation.

Ministry of Information Technology and Communications of the Republic of Moldova is the public authority established to develop, promote and implement government policy in the field of information technology, information society and communications.
MITC mission is to ensure sustainable growth of the ICT sector by promoting export-oriented policies and a free market. MITC aims to create opportunities for the business sector and encourage investment by promoting fair competition and increasing international competitiveness. Information and scientific knowledge currently leads the development level of states and dictate the future. In a modern society, resources and services related to information technology and communications are growing apace and become sources for jobs creating and raising living standards.
To meet the challenges and to keep up with the times, MITC developed the Digital 2020 Moldova Strategy, a policy document which creates the necessary layer, draws directions to ensure systematic development of information technology and communications in the coming years, providing exploitation of the facilities offered by the Information Society for the citizens comfort and welfare.
Strategy provides favorable conditions for the ICT potential development and use in all sectors: public, private, business and citizens daily life.

Technical University of Moldova, the host of this event
Technical University of Moldova, public institution of higher education with a tradition of more than half a century, has the mission to provide and develop resources and tools needed to run the processes of education and scientific research, the high quality standards required to ensure European Area of Higher Education and Research competitiveness.
Currently the Technical University of Moldova is divided into 10 faculties. To meet the training needs of candidates and employers needs, the university has continually expanded and diversified educational offer; new curricula have been annually proposed for evaluating at national, undergraduate and master level. The University has recorded a significant increase of interest of foreign and native candidates to offer educational training for all levels (bachelor, master, doctorate) and in all forms of training (day classes, part time and at distance).
The role and the place of the Technical University of Moldova at international education and research space is exemplified not only by cooperative relationships with more than?? universities and research institutes around the world, but also scientific research projects, educational projects, and the mobility of teachers and students funded by the European Community, the TEMPUS programs or other bilateral projects. The university property development was made simultaneously with its development, constantly seeking for facilities upgrading for education and research, development of new investment, providing the good conditions for students life and learning.
Our university academic community is an active presence in our region not only in promoting of European ​​and universal education values, and also in the economic, socio-cultural activities development involvement, representing one of the basic institutions of the Republic of Moldova.




On-line educational platform:

Collaboration platform:



Coordinator in Moldova:

Coordinator in France:


AGROCAMPUS OUEST University Rennes 2 Ghent University University of Pisa University Rennes 1 University of Santiago de Compostella "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi Technical University of Moldova State University of Moldova Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova State Agrarian University of Moldova State University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Nicolae Testimitanu" Cooperative-Commercial University of Moldova State University of Comrat State University of Cahul State University "Alecu Russo" from Balti National Council of Student Organizations of Moldova Ministry of Education Ministry of Information Technology and Communication J.S.C. «ENDAVA» Ltd

This project was funded with the support from the European Commission. This publication relates only to the author and the Commission is not responsible for any use of information contained here.