English (United Kingdom)French (French)Română (România)
  • MoodleMoot România 2014 este întâlnirea utilizatorilor platformei Moodle din România, MoodleMoot România 2014 este organizat în jurul unor ateliere de lucru și exemple de bună practică tehnică, didactică și pedagogică.

  • Training on the development techniques of online courses at the University of Rennes 1, France

  • Formation continue et formation en ligne. l’Universite de Santiago de Compostela, Spania.
  • Organisation de la formation theorique et pratique a la conception, utilisation et exploitation EL, Iasi, Romania
  • Seminar ''Abordarea procesului de învățământ din perspectiva curriculară'', Chișinău, UTM
  • E-Learning: cursuri de instruire, Chișinău, Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei


"Good training practices of e-learning/online"

Requirements for works redaction

The papers must be performed in the "*.doc":

  • format A4, in Romanian, English, French language;
  • font "Times New Roman";
  • Volume 2-6 full pages;
  • line spacing 1;
  • fields:
    • 25 mm from the top and bottom;
    • 20 mm from the left and right;
  • paragraph: left 10 mm range.

The essay structure:

  • Title: bold caps (uppercase) 14 pt., centered.
  • Name of authors: 12 pt bold, centered.
  • Affiliation: bold 12pt., centered.
  • The authors e-mail: 12 pt. bold, centered.
  • Annotation (Abstract): in English, bold, 12 pt., up to 150 words.
  • Keywords: three - five 12 pt.
  • The paper, 12 pt, divided into parties as follows:
    1. Introduction
    2. The basic (obtained results)
    3. Conclusions
    4. References


  • evidenced by separate line, 12 pt., centered, MS Equation Editor 3.0;
  • number is indicated on the right of the text.


  • inserted in the text, centered;
  • number and name of the figure (Fig. .. figure name), 12 pt., is positioned under figure, central.


  • inserted in the text, centered;
  • number and name of the table (Table ... table name), 12 pt., is positioned above the table, aligned to the left of it.

In the work text will be reflected: topicality, the purpose of the work and the problems solving, novelty and originality of the results, the analysis of obtained results.



On-line educational platform:

Collaboration platform:



Coordinator in Moldova:

Coordinator in France:


AGROCAMPUS OUEST University Rennes 2 Ghent University University of Pisa University Rennes 1 University of Santiago de Compostella "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi Technical University of Moldova State University of Moldova Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova State Agrarian University of Moldova State University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Nicolae Testimitanu" Cooperative-Commercial University of Moldova State University of Comrat State University of Cahul State University "Alecu Russo" from Balti National Council of Student Organizations of Moldova Ministry of Education Ministry of Information Technology and Communication J.S.C. «ENDAVA» Ltd

This project was funded with the support from the European Commission. This publication relates only to the author and the Commission is not responsible for any use of information contained here.